Girls Basketball holds a scrimmage to start off the season

To start off the basketball season, the girls basketball held a scrimmage on Tuesday, December 3. For many this was a way to start off the season in a less intense way than an actual game, but still intense enough to get them into game mode.

Sophomore Karly McCord said, “I think at first we were all a bit nervous but when we started playing we all just clicked and played really good together.”

Varsity beat their JV team 47-7. Coach Lyle Thompson was very happy with their effort in the game.

This is the second year of Coach Thompson coaching girls basketball. “I feel that the team is so much farther ahead than we were last year,” Junior Ellie Ohlde said, “With a new coach we had to relearn a lot of things.”

The Lady Jeffs Basketball hosts their first game Friday, December 6. JV starts at 4:30 and Varsity starts at 6:00 p.m. against Lincoln Christian. Come and support!