Junior high and their microscope education adventures

To further advance their learning to the next level, Doctor Emily Winter’s Junior High Life Science class is learning how to use microscopes.

First starting this learning experience on September 1st the clase continues to use the microscopes that Dr. Winter has.

“I love microscopes,” Dr. Winter said. “I get really happy when the students get excited to use the microscopes.”

Students have been viewing many items under the microscope ranging from a sunflower seed to even part of a human brain, but the main part of the viewing is related to the viewing of cells.

“My favorite thing that I viewed under a microscope was a piece of a cat that Dr. Winter’s husband was working on,” Jamison Runge ‘26 said.

Starting next week, Dr. Winter’s JH Life Science class will be continuing the use of the microscopes to view and learn about water bears underneath the microscope.

“I think that learning to use a microscope is an important skill,” Dr. Winter said. “I want my students to be confident in a lab if they have to use a microscope.”